Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sa Pa

I had an amazing time in Vietnam.

Brief summary:

  • went by 6hr bus to HoChiMinh city and interviewed for Haas (Berkeley business school)
  • took a flight to Hanoi, mini-bus to the city
  • met 3 other kiva fellows
  • took overnight train to Lao Cai (by Chinese border)
  • took 1hr bus to sapa
  • did 10km walk around amazing valley of terraced rice paddies
  • watched lightning storm at night with Kiva fellows
  • meditated in morning, felt incredible amount of "love" for everything
  • walked more in beautiful countryside, met more local hill-tribe people
  • ate watermelon in natural hot spring
  • went running in extremely hilly area, loved cool breeze (after 2 straight months of "hot")
  • explored countryside on 100cc motorbikes with buddy
  • appreciated spectacular beauty, local people
  • crashed said motorbikes with buddy
  • had fun arguing over price of repairs with owner
  • took 1 hr bus, 10hr train, 1hr bus, 2hr plane, taxi, 6hr bus
  • back home in time to sit outside with local people and enjoy Cambodian new year festivities
what a trip. I'll post more soon. Please check this video for a short summary of my adventure.

Also, check out Nathan's album of our trip on facebook


  1. Sounds like a lot of fun. Love reading the blog. Keep writing

  2. Hi Jeff.
    First time commenting I think but we're happily reading in on your adventures.
    I went to Sa Pa some 10+ years ago and it seems nothing much have changed - even the cheeky girls are stil there :)
